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After rent an apartment in Qingdao ?how much is the extra cost of a total?
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Qingdao,  Shandong  266000
China    (map)
Rent:  $400.00  USD / Month
Size: 1000 SqFt
Property Type: Apartment
Bedrooms: 2   |  Bathrooms: 1
Deposit: $400.00  USD

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User Details   User Since: 6/17/2012  |   Ads Posted: 245

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Ok ,let me answer you , internet service is not a big deal , I can help you to set it up ,and its price is about 1000 RMB one year . Under normal circumstances ,there are five extra fees in China-------property management fee , water fee ,electric fee, gas fee ,heating fee . when you rent an apartment ,you should pay for these fees .
First :property management fee . different communities have different property management fees , in Lu Xin Chang Chun Garden , it is 1.45 RMB/month/㎡ .so if you rent a 150 square metres apartment , you should pay 2610 RMB one year (1.45 X 150 x 12) .
Second: water, electric,gas . to be honest , under normal circumstances , for one month , 200 RMB is enough . It means 2400 RMB one year .
Third : heating fee . it is about 24 RMB/㎡, if you rent a 150 sqrare metres apartment ,its heating fee is 3600 RMB one year .
Another one ,is about the cable tv ,if you need ,its price is 260 RMB one year .
Other , I have no idea if you can watch foreign channels here ,but i saw a foreigner using a simple machine to receive foreign channels before .
I am Kaka , a real estate agent . if you need my help ,call me (-1-5-0-0-6-4-8-0-5-5-0-) or send me emails (zhaokaka”at”-y-a-h-o-o-.-c-o-m)

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Kaka Zhao

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