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Spring Garden is really more like a garden than a resident neighborhood .
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Qingdao,  Shandong  266000
China    (map)
China County
Rent:  ¥4,500.00  CNY / Month
Size: 1500 SqFt
Property Type: Apartment
Bedrooms: 10+   |  Bathrooms: 2
Deposit: ¥4,500.00  CNY

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User Details   User Since: 6/17/2012  |   Ads Posted: 245

Property Description
Spring Garden is really more like a garden than a resident neighborhood .

I would like to recommend Spring Garden to you first , the reason I recommend this one is that Spring Garden has the most wonderful environment , trees ,flowers, lakes , amusement parks . There is no other places around SEPCO III better for life than Spring Garden .
Spring Garden was built in 2005 , including 99 buildings , all the buildings have elevators , all the apartments here were decorated by the developer , the buildings and the decorating are of high-quality .
There are some one bedroom , two bedroom and three bedroom apartments .
If you like this neighborhood , I will send you several apartments which are available now later .

This is Kaka - always at your service! I've helped out innumerable foreigners in Qingdao, so I know exactly what you need from a real estate agent – not only a good apartment, but also a wonderful post-rental service.
Moving to China can be a stressful experience- you need to sort out your visa, accommodation, cleaning, maybe getting a car, where to do the shopping etc... However, I assure you that you can call me any time and I'll always be more than willing to take care of these issues for you.

Home Rentals
Kaka Zhao

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