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In additional to rent ,what’s the average cost of living in Qingdao ?Take Hong Kong Garden for examp
Qingdao, Shandong

Property Description
In additional to rent ,what’s the average cost of living in Qingdao ?Take Hong Kong Garden for example .

In China , when you rent an apartment , you have to pay several main fees in your everyday life : property management fee(diferent neighborhood has different property management fee , for example , it is about 1.4 rmb per sqm in Hong Kong Garden , that means , if the apartment is 70 sqm , you should pay 98 rmb property management fee per month ) , electricity bill(unit price is all the same , just depends on how much you use , for one person , generally 100 rmb per month is enough , but maybe a little higher in summer because of the air-conditioning ) , water and gas fee (20 rmb per month should be enough ), heating fee (only in winter from Nov 15th to April 5th , the unit price is about 20 rmb per sqm , for example , if the apartment is 70 sqm , the heating fee for the whole winter is 1400 rmb ) , internet fee (about 90 rmb per month ) .
Any other problems , feel free to ask me .

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