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Mt.Lookout Handyperson Special
321 Stites Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio
United States

Property Description
This house is currently set up as a two family but would be better used as a single family. Bring your creative imagination and rehab skills to give you an opportunity to live in this very hot area.If you have the skills to do the work this house needs, you can BUY it with owner financing for just $1495 down and $895 a month.. The best news of all is that if you make those monthly payments for 15 years, youll completely pay off the house and never have to make another mortgage or rent payment ever again! You wont have to get qualified with a bank, either. Through our unique program we specialize in making people homeowners who never thought they could own a home. We are easy to deal with, and we dont even care how bad your credit is. We only have two big qualifications. The first is that you have enough consistent income to make the $895/mo payments. The other is that you have the skills and resources to do the repairs that this house needs and to maintain it once

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