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Two ways to rent a place for foreign students from Qingdao University and Ocean Univercity
Qingdao, Shandong

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Two ways to rent a place for foreign students from Qingdao University and Ocean Univercity

Well , first , welcome to Qingdao , I am a real estate agent in Qingdao , and have helped so many foreign students in the university , I hope I will find a perfect place for you .
Most of the students don’t like the domitory in university , there are several reasons , for example , the price is not cheap , you have to come back on time at night and so on . Anyway , if you wanna rent a place by yourself near your univeristy , you can contact me .
Generally , there are two ways to rent a place for you :
1st . Rent a single bedroom apartment , or rent a two or three bedroom apartment with your classmates(If you can find some classmates who wanna share an apartment with you ) . Take a two bedroom apartment near Qingdao University for example , there are some high-rise buildings near Qingdao University , very popular for foreigners , two bedroom apartments there are about 100 sqm , one living room , one kitchen ,one bathroom , fully furnished , the price is about 3600 rmb per month .Check the photos(1-7) . Also , there are one bedroom apartments here , about 70 sqm , the rent is about 3000 rmb per month . To be honest , the rent now is much higher than like one year before .Some cheaper ones , but the quality will be not good .
2st. Find a sharing apartment directly . Many students prefer this way , there are always some sharing apartments looking for roommates , but generally they are Chinese . To find a good sharing apartment , it will cost about 1500-1800 rmb . For example , a two bedroom apartment , you will live in one of the two bedrooms ,the other roommate will live in the other one . This way will save you a lot rent , also , it is good for you to impove your Chinese because of your Chinese roommate , and you will get more chances to know about Chinese life -------that’s why you come to Qingdao ,right ?

This is Kaka - always at your service! I've helped out innumerable foreigners in Qingdao, so I know exactly what you need from a real estate agent – not only a good apartment, but also a wonderful post-rental service.
Moving to China can be a stressful experience- you need to sort out your visa, accommodation, cleaning, maybe getting a car, where to do the shopping etc... However, I assure you that you can call me any time and I'll always be more than willing to take care of these issues for you.

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